1. "Casanova"--Knapsack, Silver Sweepstakes (1995):
Knapsack was a solid, mid-90s, pop punk band that was on Alias Records. Their songs tend to run together. However, their formula works for me. This song sounds like the rest, which is not a bad thing. SHUFFLE GOODNESS.
2. "Night Creatures"--Superchunk, Tossing Seeds (Singles, 89-91) (1991):
In case I have not made it clear before, Superchunk is my all-time favorite band. This song is a cover of an 80s punk band, the Flys. I have never heard the original. This singles compilation is a good mix of Superchunk's early songs plus four covers. I love Superchunk, but this song is just SHUFFLE GOODNESS.
3. "Broken Face"--Pixies, Surfer Rosa (1988):
I love this song. I came on board with the Pixies with Doolittle but quickly caught up with Surfer Rosa and the Come On Pilgrim ep. This album was produced by Steve Albini, and pretty much any song off of it would be SHUFFLE GOLD!!
4. "Don't Talk to Strangers"--Rick Springfield, Rick Springfield: Greatest Hits (1989):
Dammit, Mark! (my "friend" who I hold responsible for me owning this song) This song is ruining a perfectly good shuffle. 80s cheese "to the max." I have to admit that I owned Working Class Dog on vinyl as a kid, but it is shameful that this song is on my ipod. As catchy as it may be, it is completely inexcusable for this song to follow the Pixies in a shuffle. SHUFFLE KILLER.
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