Monday, October 15, 2012

Week of October 15, 2012

1. "Imaginary War"--Jawbreaker, Unfun (1990):
From their first album, this song is solid early Jawbreaker.  I came on board with Jawbreaker a couple of years later with their second album, so I have always been playing catch-up with this album. I know that Jawbreaker is often championed as an early "emo" band or influence on "emo" music, but that was not my world.  I think all of that was put on them after they broke up.  I just thought of them as Bay Area punk rock. Though I don't know this song as well as some of their later music, it is definitely SHUFFLE GOODNESS.

2. "Cakewalk"--Swiz, No Punches Pulled (1993):
Swiz was a D.C. hardcore band that was only around for 3 or so years. They were done by the time I had heard of them.  This album was put out by Jade Tree a few years after the breakup and has all of their songs in one place.  A couple of these guys went on to play in Shudder to Think, Sweetbelly Freakdown, and Bluetip.  SHUFFLE GOODNESS.

3. "Pissed"--Harlem, Hippies (2010):
Garage rockers from Austin (via Tuscon, AZ), these guys are currently on Matador records.  I have given them a few listens but am not connecting with them much.  I will continue to listen, but at this point just a MEH.

4. "Down"--Stone Temple Pilots, Thank You (2003):
Thank You is a greatest hits compilation, which is exactly how I like my STP.  When they first came out, I wrote them off as an Alice In Chains rip-off and typical grunge band. However, over time, they proved to be solid, and I think their songs have held up better over time than most of their peers.  SHUFFLE GOODNESS.

5. "Papa Don't Preach"--Madonna, Immaculate Collection (1990):
Again with the greatest hits. While this song has absolutely no business being with this particular set of songs, I will own it.  I am not much of a Madonna fan.  I hated her when all these songs came out, but they serve as nostalgia.  This song is not necessarily one that I like, even for nostalgic purposes.  However, I do like to use the phrase "Papa Don't Preach!" as an exclamation when I am fired up about something. If I were a sports announcer, it would definitely be my signature call.  MILD SHAME.


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